Share the Road is a highway safety program of the American Trucking Associations (ATA). Million-mile accident-free professional truck drivers deliver specific life-saving safety tips to the public, the media, and our public officials through television, radio, the web and in print. News conferences are held where cars and trucks are set up in simulated highway lanes that show the common ways in which accidents happen out on the road. The program's goal is to reach as many people as possible and change driving behavior so that we can save lives.
Program Goal
Media and community events are held across the country, including state capitols, motorcycle and RV events, auto shows, at truck driving championships, high schools and middle schools, and in congested cities. The Share the Road tractor-trailer serves as the centerpiece for all safety and media events, and is certainly an attraction while traveling the highways. Mack Trucks generously provides a dedicated Mack Anthem to the Share the Road program. The Share the Road program works with various highway safety partners, the state trucking associations, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and industry partners.
With the generous sponsorship from Mack Trucks and supporters, ATA is able to continue this highly effective highway safety program.
Count of individuals who have seen our Share the Road truck this year!

Share the Road Demonstrations
The Share the Road Program’s goal is to reach Americans of all ages with life-saving information on how to safely share the road with large commercial vehicles.
Audiences the Share the Road Program has reached:
- Drivers Education Classes
- Community Events
- State Fairs
- Motorcycle Rallies
- RV Clubs
- Auto Shows
- Schools
- State Capitols
- Boy Scouts
- Seniors Events and many more…
Schedule an Event
We are always open to reaching new groups with our safety message. Please contact us if you have an idea for an event. We can send a professional truck driver, with over a million miles of accident-free driving experience, to speak to your group about blind spots, safe following distances, merging, the importance of safety belts, distracted driving and safe driving behaviors.
If you have the space available, we can also set-up a full blind spot demonstration where attendees can climb into the cab of the Share the Road tractor-trailer and experience first-hand what professional truck drivers can and can’t see on our nation’s highways.
Guidelines for requesting a Share the Road event:
If the request is coming from within the trucking industry, the company must be an ATA member. We also accept requests from schools, community groups, motorcycle and RV clubs, and other organizations.
Please submit your event request form at least 5 weeks prior to the date of the event.
Contact Us
Virginia Bulger
Manager, Industry Affairs
(703) 838-1836