Washington – The trucking industry is asking all motorists to exercise caution while driving in and around highway work zones.
“We are seeing more and more orange cones and machinery on our highways as implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ramps up,” said ATA Vice President of Safety Policy Dan Horvath. “As we have an increase in construction, that means it is even more critical for drivers to be aware, attentive and courteous while traveling through these work zones.”
ATA, a partner of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Our Roads, Our Safety program and a First Mover in the Department of Transportation’s National Roadway Safety Strategy, is highlighting the need to exercise caution in and around work zones during National Work Zone Awareness Week.
“Spring is the beginning of peak construction season, so National Work Zone Awareness Week is a good reminder for motorists to slow down, be aware of their surroundings and give the men and women who are rebuilding our roads and bridges a safe space to do their jobs,” said Fred Fakkema, vice president of safety and compliance at Zonar Systems, and chairman of the ATA Law Enforcement Advisory Board.
“As a professional driver, I know the importance of keeping my workplace – the highway – safe,” said America’s Road Team Captain Teddy Butler, a professional driver with ABF Freight Systems Inc., “and that includes the work zones where construction workers are digging, paving and rebuilding our roads and bridges.”