Today, the American Trucking Associations and professional drivers from ATA’s Share the Road highway safety program encouraged the estimated 115.2 million people traveling over the holiday season this year to practice safety as they hit the road for the holidays.
“Make sure everyone can enjoy the holidays this season by putting safety first when traveling,” said ATA Share the Road professional truck driver Bob Bramwell of ABF Freight System, Inc. “As a professional truck driver, I am one of the last drivers on the road, delivering everything necessary to make the holidays shine bright.”
Snow and ice pose unique challenges for drivers. Being acutely aware of the weather conditions and forecast can prevent unexpected circumstances and make for a safer trip. Be sure to practice caution, even when traveling at low speeds on the road.
“Inclement weather conditions on the road create driving hazards that require extra caution when traveling during the holidays,” said ATA Share the Road professional truck driver Darrien Henderson of J&M Tank Lines Inc. “That is why it is important to follow the safety guidelines to ensure you make it safely to your holiday destination.”